I’ll show you three things to look for.

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There’s no doubt you want personal training from someone who’s strong and ripped, because you want someone who walks the talk. But at the end of the day, it’s not about them… it’s about you. Whoever your personal trainer is, you expect them to help you lose weight, lean down, and get fitter than you’ve ever been.

But the simple truth is not every trainer can deliver, no matter how their biceps or glutes look. And if you spot any of these red flags, it may be a sign that you might end up frustrated and ready to give up on beating the weight…

Red Flag 1: They confuse “PT” with “fitness influencer”

There’s nothing wrong with the odd Instagram post of an impressive physique photo – it’s a great way to show proof. But it's not just about shots of rippling muscles. Real world results don’t come from “Insta mottos” or 2-minute YouTube videos. Coaches who help clients transform their fitness and physique rely on years of experience, study, and even learning from past failure. So, when you see PTs whose feeds are filled with generic advice, carefully-prepped photos, and boasts about Gymshark sponsorships, be alert. A trainer who hogs the spotlight is a warning they might not always put their clients first.

Red Flag 2: They can’t relate with their clients

Most personal trainers do want to help people lean down or bulk up. The trouble is that they’ve never learned to connect on a personal level. Sure, they can program a training plan or map out nutrition, but too many spend more time selling themselves than working with people day in, day out... and it shows. They often don’t have the skills to really click with who they’re training, and so results don’t follow. It comes down to this: are you more likely to push harder for someone you can talk to and trust… or someone who treats you like a robot?

Red Flag 3: They always focus on the short-term

It's great selling you a result, because that's exactly what you're looking for. And you already know you'll have to work hard, even with a PT by your side. But some trainers get carried away. They run their clients into the ground with exhausting workouts and starve them into misery with ultra-restrictive diets. And sure, that can get you an impressive body... for a short while. But that kind of regime isn't sustainable, and the weight ALWAYS piles back on the moment you relax. A good coach cares about helping you find lifetime results, not short-term "hits" that look good for a month or two.


Coaching is more than just showing someone how to squat or thrusting a meal plan onto them. If you want to melt off fat or stack on muscle, you want a trainer who…

  1. Knows that getting results (and not taking selfies) is the best way to make an impression

  2. Treats you like a real person, not a robot who blindly follows training or eating plans

  3. Has the hands-on experience to help you get the fitness, health, and body you’re chasing

These three lessons are what I’ve built my personal training around. And for me, much of it comes down to relationships as it does fitness. A great relationship is the foundation for stunning results you’re proud to show off… and that’s something I build with every one of my clients as we set out to shed those pounds and carve a lean, impressive figure.


Coaching is more than just showing someone how to squat or thrusting a meal plan onto them. If you want to melt off fat or stack on muscle, you want a trainer who…

  1. Knows that getting results (and not taking selfies) is the best way to make an impression

  2. Treats you like a real person, not a robot who blindly follows training or eating plans

  3. Has the hands-on experience to help you get the fitness, health, and body you’re chasing

These three lessons are what I’ve built my personal training around. And for me, much of it comes down to relationships as it does fitness. A great relationship is the foundation for stunning results you’re proud to show off… and that’s something I build with every one of my clients as we set out to shed those pounds and carve a lean, impressive figure.





The #1 factor to getting the best results is YOU. So finding out how you live, work, and play – and of course, what you want to


Knowing where you are helps you get where you want to be. We look at what you can do now so when we start, we know exactly where we go.

03. I PLAN

Now we’ve got the intel we need, I create a plan that shows you what to do in terms of training and nutrition to get the shape and strength you want.


The first 3 steps are crucial, but now it’s time to work. I’ll train, guide, and support you for as long as you want or need. We leave no stone unturned in shaping you up.


By the time you’ve crushed your goals, you’re not only in the best shape of your life, you know exactly how to do it. When we finish up, you won’t need another coach… because you can now do this yourself.


The 10 one-hour package that’s so popular in the fitness industry has never made sense to me. While it’s a good start, 10 hours isn’t nearly enough to transform your body and your fitness – and most people are smart enough to know this. Weight builds up over months or even years, and undoing that takes time, even when you have an expert on your side.

That’s why my personal training is focused not on time, but on your goals and how to reach them. What’s below aren’t “inclusions”, but part of the journey you take with me, from the first time we talk to the last check-in…


When you sign up, I always plan an initial training program to see you through 12 months of progressive workouts that adapts as you get fitter and stronger. This is something I do for EVERY client, regardless of how long you actually train with me, and it’s for two reasons:

  1. So we always know where you’re at in your training journey
  2. Because I want to make sure you train your body the right way, whether you’re with me or not

The program’s designed to suit your lifestyle so you never spend more time working out than you want to. We also update each 3-4 week training phase to match your progress, and to make sure the training doesn’t get stale or bore you. And if you’d like, I’m happy to explain each phase via video so you understand what it’s doing for you and that it’s not a bunch of random exercises thrown together.


When you sign up, I always plan an initial training program to see you through 12 months of progressive workouts that adapts as you get fitter and stronger. This is something I do for EVERY client, regardless of how long you actually train with me, and it’s for two reasons:

  1. So we always know where you’re at in your training journey
  2. Because I want to make sure you train your body the right way, whether you’re with me or not

The program’s designed to suit your lifestyle so you never spend more time working out than you want to. We also update each 3-4 week training phase to match your progress, and to make sure the training doesn’t get stale or bore you. And if you’d like, I’m happy to explain each phase via video so you understand what it’s doing for you and that it’s not a bunch of random exercises thrown together.

Weekly Accountability Check-ins

This program is designed to keep you moving towards that fitter, stronger you. Your client blueprint is central to this, as it’s how we check in each week to keep your fat-burning, body-changing progress going. Check-ins might be “express” if you’re tracking well (you just fill out your weekly details) or “deep” if you’ve hit hurdles either way, I’ll talk you through your next moves with a personal video each week.

Personal Attention

That might sound weird, but here what’s I mean: you won’t EVER catch me on my phone or getting distracted during our session. When we train, the focus is entirely on you, and squeezing the most out of every rep and exercise.

LRF Mobile App

This is the digital hub your fitness revolves around - no spreadsheets or Word docs required. Access your training and nutrition plans on the LRF Mobile App, as well as exercise walkthroughs or other info you might need. Simply put, it's like you're carrying me in your pocket whenever you hit the gym!

Nutrition Coaching

Some people want a complete diet and nutrition plan, while others just want advice to finetune their eating for maximum fat loss. No matter how much or how little nutrition help you want, I’ll give you everything to turn your body into a fat-burning machine.

Personal Support

Just because our sessions are on at certain times in the week doesn’t mean we don’t keep in touch. You’ll have my phone number so you can reach out ANY TIME you have a question or problem… and I won’t leave you hanging.

100% Money Back Guarantee

I’m confident you’ll be stunned by what we achieve that I’m happy to back this up with my 90-day DOUBLE Guarantee. If you’re not blown away by your results or the level of support you get, I’ll refund every penny you’ve paid AND still work with you to hit your goals (if you want). In short, it means there’s absolutely no risk to you in seeing what we can do for your health and fitness together!

Coaching Catchup

Regardless of how often you see me, you have the choice to jump on a Zoom call every 12 weeks (if you want) to discuss your progress and check you’re happy with how things are going. This is your chance to ask any new questions, reset goals, talk about concerns or anything you want done differently... but ultimately we make sure we're heading in the right direction for YOU.


Weekly Accountability Check-ins

This program is designed to keep you moving towards that fitter, stronger you. Your client blueprint is central to this, as it’s how we check in each week to keep your fat-burning, body-changing progress going. Check-ins might be “express” if you’re tracking well (you just fill out your weekly details) or “deep” if you’ve hit hurdles either way, I’ll talk you through your next moves with a personal video each week.

Personal Attention

That might sound weird, but here what’s I mean: you won’t EVER catch me on my phone or getting distracted during our session. When we train, the focus is entirely on you, and squeezing the most out of every rep and exercise.

LRF Mobile App

This is the digital hub your fitness revolves around - no spreadsheets or Word docs required. Access your training and nutrition plans on the LRF Mobile App, as well as exercise walkthroughs or other info you might need. Simply put, it's like you're carrying me in your pocket whenever you hit the gym!

Nutrition Coaching

Some people want a complete diet and nutrition plan, while others just want advice to finetune their eating for maximum fat loss. No matter how much or how little nutrition help you want, I’ll give you everything to turn your body into a fat-burning machine.

Personal Support

Just because our sessions are on at certain times in the week doesn’t mean we don’t keep in touch. You’ll have my phone number so you can reach out ANY TIME you have a question or problem… and I won’t leave you hanging.

100% Money Back Guarantee

I’m confident you’ll be stunned by what we achieve that I’m happy to back this up with my 90-day DOUBLE Guarantee. If you’re not blown away by your results or the level of support you get, I’ll refund every penny you’ve paid AND still work with you to hit your goals (if you want). In short, it means there’s absolutely no risk to you in seeing what we can do for your health and fitness together!

Coaching Catchup

Regardless of how often you see me, you have the choice to jump on a Zoom call every 12 weeks (if you want) to discuss your progress and check you’re happy with how things are going. This is your chance to ask any new questions, reset goals, talk about concerns or anything you want done differently... but ultimately we make sure we're heading in the right direction for YOU.


don't just take my word for it

hear it from Personal Training clients

I cannot recommend Luke enough as a PT. I was worried with my type of job, lifestyle and pre-existing medical problems I would never get fit and healthy, but Luke has certainly showed me the way. He’s very supportive, pushed me to be the best I can and is a genuinely lovely guy. We spent every minute of our sessions pushing me to my limits and learning more about my body instead of just putting me on a cross-trainer. I have never been fitter, healthier and happier than I am now. Losing over a stone and 9 inches from around my body I thought would be impossible in a few months, but I did it, and I’m still seeing results going forward using my new knowledge of food and exercise. I highly recommend Luke, not only for the friendship we have developed over the past few months but for the knowledge and empowerment he has given me over my own progress. I am accountable and in control now and feel that this is sustainable for many years to come and it’s all thanks to him.
I cannot recommend Luke enough as a PT. I was worried with my type of job, lifestyle and pre-existing medical problems I would never get fit and healthy, but Luke has certainly showed me the way. He’s very supportive, pushed me to be the best I can and is a genuinely lovely guy. We spent every minute of our sessions pushing me to my limits and learning more about my body instead of just putting me on a cross-trainer. I have never been fitter, healthier and happier than I am now. Losing over a stone and 9 inches from around my body I thought would be impossible in a few months, but I did it, and I’m still seeing results going forward using my new knowledge of food and exercise. I highly recommend Luke, not only for the friendship we have developed over the past few months but for the knowledge and empowerment he has given me over my own progress. I am accountable and in control now and feel that this is sustainable for many years to come and it’s all thanks to him.
Having been going to the gym regularly myself I wanted to push myself further and realised the best way to do this was to get a personal trainer. I did my research and was pleased to have chosen Luke as he worked to my needs and took the time to understand what I wanted to get out of the sessions. He never tried to sell me any add ons and took the time to get to know me first. He always pushed me further than I thought I could go and left me feeling much more confident in the gym when I was alone. He taught me how to use the equipment and explained the best ways to get the results I wanted from using the gym properly. Luke always made sure training was fun and never made me feel uncomfortable and gave me the confidence to believe I could always do more. I would highly recommend Luke as a Personal Trainer.
Having been going to the gym regularly myself I wanted to push myself further and realised the best way to do this was to get a personal trainer. I did my research and was pleased to have chosen Luke as he worked to my needs and took the time to understand what I wanted to get out of the sessions. He never tried to sell me any add ons and took the time to get to know me first. He always pushed me further than I thought I could go and left me feeling much more confident in the gym when I was alone. He taught me how to use the equipment and explained the best ways to get the results I wanted from using the gym properly. Luke always made sure training was fun and never made me feel uncomfortable and gave me the confidence to believe I could always do more. I would highly recommend Luke as a Personal Trainer.
Top class PT !! He has not only made me lose weight but also Helped me enjoy my weightloss journey and workouts at the gym along with improving my overall healthy lifestyle . 5 star service all the way. Luke has made this weight loss journey such a memorable and enjoyable one for me and I cannot thank him enough! I hope everyone knows about Luke so he can help them flourish and help many people just like me. So many people at work enquired about how I lost weight. Honestly, I’m absolutely over the moon, for the first time in my life I bought clothes size 16, credit to Luke for keeping me going, 9 months ago, I was size 28.
Top class PT !! He has not only made me lose weight but also Helped me enjoy my weightloss journey and workouts at the gym along with improving my overall healthy lifestyle . 5 star service all the way. Luke has made this weight loss journey such a memorable and enjoyable one for me and I cannot thank him enough! I hope everyone knows about Luke so he can help them flourish and help many people just like me. So many people at work enquired about how I lost weight. Honestly, I’m absolutely over the moon, for the first time in my life I bought clothes size 16, credit to Luke for keeping me going, 9 months ago, I was size 28.
Where do I start? 2 Years I have been training with Luke. I tried a PT before Luke and I had an awful experience whereby I wasn't sure if I was ever going to hit my goals. Then I came across Luke. We have formed a relationship I would never have thought would be possible after the first PT I tried. Luke creates engaging, fun and challenging workouts to make sure I maximise my time in the gym. But the thing that really got me with Luke is he doesn't just provide a PT Session for me. He supports me round the clock, you name it and he's monitoring it for me - Diet, my lifestyle, my work commitments, time scheduling, absolutely everything is taken into account which means nothing is left to chance and I'm sure that's why I have achieved the outstanding results which I have. Working as a Lawyer comes with it's own challenges but Luke has overcome and gone beyond in every way possible for me, and I am happy to continue my journey to being the best version of myself. I started wanting weight loss, I lost a lot of weight, then I wanted to tone up, now we are working towards my first pull-ups - working with Luke really is a never ending journey. I highly recommend him to anyone, I have already got some of my colleagues and friends to sign up - and they are also beyond pleased with the experience of working with Luke.
Where do I start? 2 Years I have been training with Luke. I tried a PT before Luke and I had an awful experience whereby I wasn't sure if I was ever going to hit my goals. Then I came across Luke. We have formed a relationship I would never have thought would be possible after the first PT I tried. Luke creates engaging, fun and challenging workouts to make sure I maximise my time in the gym. But the thing that really got me with Luke is he doesn't just provide a PT Session for me. He supports me round the clock, you name it and he's monitoring it for me - Diet, my lifestyle, my work commitments, time scheduling, absolutely everything is taken into account which means nothing is left to chance and I'm sure that's why I have achieved the outstanding results which I have. Working as a Lawyer comes with it's own challenges but Luke has overcome and gone beyond in every way possible for me, and I am happy to continue my journey to being the best version of myself. I started wanting weight loss, I lost a lot of weight, then I wanted to tone up, now we are working towards my first pull-ups - working with Luke really is a never ending journey. I highly recommend him to anyone, I have already got some of my colleagues and friends to sign up - and they are also beyond pleased with the experience of working with Luke.

let's Change your life

Become the fittest and leanest you’ve ever been with the UK’s leading fat loss expert in your corner