If you want to know what it takes to get not just good, but supreme results with your physique, strength, and fitness… here it is.

Losing weight is never easy, but with my guidance, hundreds of busy folks around the UK and the world have stripped thousands of pounds of fat off.

However, carving a shredded god or goddess-like figure takes something extra, and it might not be what you expect.

Sure, you have to be willing to work beyond hard and push yourself.

You have to be prepared to watch your eating like a hawk.

But here’s the edge that shapes a physique to the point where others can only stare at you: knowledge.

That’s why I’m sharing with you practically every scrap and morsel of fitness education I’ve learned over years as a competitive bodybuilder, personal trainer, and fat loss expert.

'keeps me accountable.'

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'wealth of information'

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero.


(For The Measly Price Of A Daily Coffee)

When you join LRF Hub, you get your hands on some of the most practical and cutting-edge content around my #1 speciality: fat loss.

Forget motivational fluff, inspirational slogans, or 30-second clips. The video courses and guides you have access to here are deep, exhaustive looks at how to get the leanest, most impressive body you’re capable of.

Now, this doesn’t mean you’re wading through hours of textbook theory or complicated jargon. Outside some basic concepts, everything I show you is in an easy-to-understand format, without losing any of the value. Plus, you get every new course, eBook, and update I create while you’re a member.

Once you absorb even a fraction of what’s in the Hub, you don’t just understand the possibilities with changing your fitness, health, and body – YOU become something of a fat loss expert.

Here’s just some of the fitness education you’ll find in the LRF Hub, even as I add more each month…

Fat Loss Fundamentals

Understanding how your body works when it comes to fat can be a huge catalyst in burning it off. This course will take you through the basics of fat and the big issues you may run into, whether it’s finding the “low hanging fruits” or breaking through a plateau.

Nutrition for Fat Loss

“Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym” might be a cliché… but like most clichés, there’s a lot of truth to it. The bulk of your weight loss comes not from exercise – no matter how hard you go – but from what you put in your mouth. But there’s a lot more to first-class nutrition than “eat this, avoid that”, which is what we dive into. By the time you’re finished here, you’re almost your own fat loss expert who knows how to sculpt an ultra-lean, well-cut figure.


You can smash your body in the gym, be the “cleanest” eater you know, but still struggle to get lasting results. Why? Because as important as training and nutrition are, they’re not the only things to look at. Lifestyle, whether it’s sleep, stress, or something else, is often-overlooked in a fat loss or fitness journey. This video series shows you how lifestyle affects your weight and how to optimise it to get even better results.


These “one-shot” webinars explore different topics around health and fitness to give you a faster way to get up to speed.

eBooks and Guides

Want to know what you can eat when you’re out? Looking for an eBook that gives you a “jumpstart” for losing weight? You’ll find all my eBooks and eating guides right here in the Hub.



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don't just take my word for it

hear it from lRF Hub clients

Having been going to the gym regularly myself I wanted to push myself further and realised the best way to do this was to get a personal trainer. I did my research and was pleased to have chosen Luke as he worked to my needs and took the time to understand what I wanted to get out of the sessions. He never tried to sell me any add ons and took the time to get to know me first. He always pushed me further than I thought I could go and left me feeling much more confident in the gym when I was alone. He taught me how to use the equipment and explained the best ways to get the results I wanted from using the gym properly. Luke always made sure training was fun and never made me feel uncomfortable and gave me the confidence to believe I could always do more. I would highly recommend Luke as a Personal Trainer.
Stephanie Newman – Estate Agent
Having been going to the gym regularly myself I wanted to push myself further and realised the best way to do this was to get a personal trainer. I did my research and was pleased to have chosen Luke as he worked to my needs and took the time to understand what I wanted to get out of the sessions. He never tried to sell me any add ons and took the time to get to know me first. He always pushed me further than I thought I could go and left me feeling much more confident in the gym when I was alone. He taught me how to use the equipment and explained the best ways to get the results I wanted from using the gym properly. Luke always made sure training was fun and never made me feel uncomfortable and gave me the confidence to believe I could always do more. I would highly recommend Luke as a Personal Trainer.
Stephanie Newman – Estate Agent
Being at the beginning of my fitness journey, I wanted to seek the aid of a personal trainer to help me achieve my fitness goals and I couldn’t have been happier with my decision of choosing Luke. Truth be told, I tried a Personal Trainer before Luke, and the experience is incomparable. Luke was very understanding, dedicated and committed to providing fun yet effective workout sessions where I was pushed out of my comfort zone, but was comfortable with the routines and was able to execute each exercise safely with his support. He got to know my circumstances and worked around any barriers presented at the gym which meant I was able to make sustainable progress. I lost 27kg during my time with Luke and to this day, continue to maintain this weight loss thanks to Luke’s support and education throughout.
Anila Aswad - Student/Paramedic
Being at the beginning of my fitness journey, I wanted to seek the aid of a personal trainer to help me achieve my fitness goals and I couldn’t have been happier with my decision of choosing Luke. Truth be told, I tried a Personal Trainer before Luke, and the experience is incomparable. Luke was very understanding, dedicated and committed to providing fun yet effective workout sessions where I was pushed out of my comfort zone, but was comfortable with the routines and was able to execute each exercise safely with his support. He got to know my circumstances and worked around any barriers presented at the gym which meant I was able to make sustainable progress. I lost 27kg during my time with Luke and to this day, continue to maintain this weight loss thanks to Luke’s support and education throughout.
Anila Aswad - Student/Paramedic
My PT Sessions have allowed me to become the highest performing version of myself because of the friendly, supportive and professional service Luke offers. PT Additionally alleviates emotional stresses and has become a form of ‘rehab’ for me due to physical damages from a car accident. Due to injuries, it has been hard at times to imagine how I’d attain my current fitness level, but Luke has been a huge reassurance and support system throughout. Luke Carefully considers your goals in order to produce a bespoke and engaging training programme that gets you where you want to be. For me this has included realistic meal plans that are informed by my own personal preferences, coupled with catered workouts that are aligned with my physiotherapy and advice on certain stretches that I can practise t home. I highly recommend Luke’s PT Services to boost body confidence, push you to your absolute limits and achieve impressive results that are sustainable and empowering.
Anna Freeman - Designer
My PT Sessions have allowed me to become the highest performing version of myself because of the friendly, supportive and professional service Luke offers. PT Additionally alleviates emotional stresses and has become a form of ‘rehab’ for me due to physical damages from a car accident. Due to injuries, it has been hard at times to imagine how I’d attain my current fitness level, but Luke has been a huge reassurance and support system throughout. Luke Carefully considers your goals in order to produce a bespoke and engaging training programme that gets you where you want to be. For me this has included realistic meal plans that are informed by my own personal preferences, coupled with catered workouts that are aligned with my physiotherapy and advice on certain stretches that I can practise t home. I highly recommend Luke’s PT Services to boost body confidence, push you to your absolute limits and achieve impressive results that are sustainable and empowering.
Anna Freeman - Designer